Often I tear pieces of papers – catalogs, foreign currency, newspapers, textbooks, stamps and papers collected from all over the world – trying to find harmony between several pieces - that’s how a collage starts for me. I can see the beautifully patterned edge of a piece of foreign currency and use that as a start for a piece. I then search for other pieces of paper that complement it. I frequently tear up old collages, and even old monotypes on my own handmade paper, so that I can use some element from them in a different collage. It’s a lot like putting puzzles together and there is still that thrill when the right piece is found and it all gets put together!
I started creating art at an early age. In my family there were lots of artists, so I was surrounded by a certain way of looking at things long before I could even appreciate what was around me. From my fashion designer aunt who made clothes for Jackie Kennedy, to a cousin who did freelance pen and ink sketches for ad campaigns, to several interior designers and ‘Sunday’ painters, my family thought art was important and I learned to express myself through art.
I took ceramics classes, sculpted in clay, painted, and wove wall hangings through my school years. In high school I created some jewelry for myself and soon was selling to friends and in a local coffee house. When my son was born and I was in the house more, I started creating painted children’s tee shirts and sweatshirts. I created custom designs and after a while my son’s schoolmates were wearing what I’d created as well.
Everything I see gives me inspiration. The color of a sunset, the wispy shape of the fog rolling in over a bridge, a carved panel, or the design of a wrought iron fence all get me thinking about shapes and colors. I have used the color of sun kissed leaves on the ground, and even markings on sidewalks as the starting point for my collages.
Regardless of where I am, a trip out of the country, or to a weekend getaway, gives me plenty of new ideas. I never tire of finding an image or idea and turning it on its head a bit to help me say what I want in a piece.
Although my works are not representational, they are honoring something I have seen or experienced, so they are representative of something – to me.
Letter From Home I
Letter From Home II
Road Trip
Mountain Views
La Vie En Rose
Stamp of Approval
Currency Exchange III
Midnight Mountains
Nani Mala
World Travel I
World Travel II
Day in the Sun
Currency Exchange
Calming Mountains
Along The Way
After the Rainbow
Mountain Rainbow
Travel Mementos
Travel Mementos II
Change of Focus
Lateral Move
A Little Night Music
Sun Rays
Tropical Sunrise
Sunrise II
Color Riffs
Orbital Rhythms
Change of Focus II
Pictographs Uncovered
Lava Tube
Reef Rhythms
Blue Fantasy
Strata I
Strata II